Lt.Col. James Smith ("king of Matchbox catalogs") sells a CD-ROM of Matchbox catalog information including photos of the covers of one catalog from each year, example page below. All material contained on this page excerpted from the cd-rom is copyright © 1997 by James W. Smith. Material may not be reprinted or used without written permission. Shown by permission 1/10/98

1960 example page




1959 Matchbox catelog cover type 1

INTERNATIONAL: This is the only 1959-1 catalog issued. The cover looks like the 1958 edition, but notice the "1959 EDITION" at the upper right part of the cover. The content of this catalog is much different from that of the 1958 catalog. There is speculation that this catalog was meant primarily for the United States market. Even if this was the case, it was sent to countries other than the United States. There is a box at the lower left of the rear cover. The name of the store selling the models can be printed or hand stamped in this space. This box is known with names of stores outside of the United States placed in it showing that this catalog was sent to countries other than the United States. Again, no MODELS OF YESTERYEAR are shown. A special fold-out sheet showing these models was issued.



1959 Matchbox cateolg cover type 2

INTERNATIONAL: This is the only catalog of the type 1959-2 that was issued. The MODELS OF YESTERYEAR are shown in this catalog.

1960 example page