catalogs on this web site
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967 (cover and back page only)
- 1968 (cover and back page only)
- 1969 (cover and back page only)
on this page:
In 1957 Distributer J. Kohnstam & Co. issued a fold out sheet, not featuring Models of Yesteryear. The first catalogue with stapled pages was produced by Kohnstam in 1958, with Yesteryears on a separate fold-out sheet. Trade sheets were available before this time, produced by importers and wholesalers. Two different catalogues were published in 1959. The first catalogue produced by Kohnstam was identical to the 1958 issue but with "1959 Edition" printed on it. The Lesney edition after the purchase of Kohnstam's share of the "Matchbox" trade mark by Lesney has a completely different front cover and includes the Yesteryear range. Catalogues from 1957 to 1971 were photographed in black and white then hand coloured. Some models not available for publication used artist's impressions. Some Matchbox catalogues are quite hard to find in good condition and are expensive.
Lt.Col. James Smith ("king of Matchbox catalogs")
431 George Cross Dr.
Norman, OK 73069
CD-ROM of Matchbox catalog information including photos of the covers of one catalog from each year, variations among catalogs, some interior pages (not all interior pages included in this version of the CD-ROM) and other advertising sheets. The price is $17.50 including shipping. Two example pages [1959 and 1960] are available at this site to view, one with variation cover pages and a second with variation information (3 covers from example pages shown below).
other's on the web with catalogue images/information:
- Mark Robbins 1/1/99
No frames
Then go to "other" and the catelogues pages - Hal Harrison 1969 catalogue 1/1/99
- Toys For Big Boys <>
big and small toys from the 60'S & 70'S, HW, MB, pedal cars, diecast & tin, etc.5/7/02
Matchbox (1969 catalog pages & model images)5/7/02