- Matchbox Forum
- Matchbox USA
- Matchbox International Collectors Club
- Australian Matchbox News
- Bay Area Matchbox Collectors' Association (BAMCA)
- American International Matchbox Collectors (AIM) [no longer active]
- UK Matchbox [no longer active]
- Matchbox Collectors Club [no longer active]
- Bay Area Matchbox Collectors' Association list
Clubs/members wanted
Ramon Samaniego Viteri would like to join or create a South American Matchbox Club [Ecuador, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela ?]. If you know of an existing Matchbox club, or are interested in starting one, contact Ramon. 3/8/98
- Ramon Samaniego Viteri
El Nacional 304 Y el Telegrafo
Quito-Ecuador - voice/fax phone: 593-2-246327
- e-mail:
Matchbox Forum
- "An international organization … highly organized and having a handle on everything that is going on in the Matchbox world … [whose] purpose is to keep a continuous flow of information around the globe" [AIM Newsletter, November 1998, V.XXIX No.6, page 2]
- mission statement: "Matchbox Forum is a not-for-profit organization of Matchbox collectors world-wide. The main goal of the Club is to promote Matchbox models by exchanging information, trading models and creating a cammarederie. This Club is internet friendly and by using the electronic highway it will be possible to interact with Matchbox collectors world-wide."
- major activity:exchange information on Matchbox by periodic magazines, Internet communication bulletins and individual members-to-members messages.
- fees: Local divisions will set up their own contribution schema with the only purpose being to cover the cost. [USA – $10 with internet newsletter; $15 with hardcopy newsletter]
- three divisions: All sanctioned by Matchbox Toys USA, Ltd.
- John Yanouzas, Chairman North America <>
- Robert Burdick, newsletter editor <>
- Scott Firmender, <>
16 Centennial Drive, Milford, Connecticut 06460 - Ray Flader, Secretary <>
- John Nijhuis, Chairman, Benelux <>
- Graham Neale, Chairman, Australia <>
- John Yanouzas, Chairman North America <>
- Catalog and data bases: MB75, Convoys and Buses, Yesteryears, Collectible Rigs, Dinkies, 1:18 models, play sets, boxes and cases
- John Lanou, a life-long collector of Matchbox and one of the founders and past treasurer of Matchbox Forum died Easter Sunday, 2007.
- Ambassador Jim Gallegos Report for December 2006 [From the MB Forum e-mail news]. Many new superfast models … Production is down and the numbers are so small that it is not economically possible to supply small dealers. … Many retailers seem to have old stock and are not stocking the latest product. … New SF distribution will be solely for the United States and through Wal-Mart. … Christmas brings the Coal Car series and a wonderful surprise, Exclusive models. … The rebirth of the Yesteryear line was planned exclusively for the 50th anniversary of Yester Years. … check the Forum web site or joint the Forum for more news
12/19/06 The 1-75 basic models can be viewed at: or
Matchbox U.S.A.
- Formed by Charlie Mack in 1977
- Charles Mack <>
- 62 Saw Mill Road
Durham, Connecticut 06422 - Charlie Mack & Matchbox USA on line at - contact: Mr. Charles Mack (editor)
- (860) 349-1655 – 11:00am-7:00pm Mon-Sat
- FAX (860) 349-3256
- Matchbox & Lesney Toy Museum open by appointment
- monthly newsletter: illustrated with color photographs [thanks to an anonymous donor the club has a color copier]
2/12/04; the most up-to-date information on new releases of all ranges; many pages of ads. 1 year: $32 bulk mail; $39 1st class; $42 air mail; 2 years $58 bulk mail; $75 1st class; $79 air mail
- annual convention in June [see convention page]
- "MatchboxUSA.COM" web site no longer available
Mattel objected to any use of its "Matchbox" trade mark as a part of a domain name (no official statement but currently no action against use in e-mail addresses or page content). Charlie Mack in Spring 1998 transferred ownership and review/control to Mattel, but spring 1999 was told to change his "" domain name. Charlie saw "no point" in continuing his web site without the name, and as of April 1, 1999, his page content was combined with Tom Sarlitto's "Just Matchbox" pages, Charlie is back online, see above link. Matchbox has since provided the "" domain name to ASAP.5/23/99
The Bay Area Matchbox Collectors' Association (BAMCA)
- P. O. Box 1534
San Jose, CA 95109 - [page by Dean Dierschow. A local San Francisco area club. Although regional, I have left this near the top because it has good information]
- "Interactive Matchbox Lineup Covering the Years 1948–69" [neat] select production year and 1 or multiple items (e.g., Catalog Cover; Early Lesney Toys; 1-75 Series; Accessories; Major Packs; King Size; Fire Stations; Gas Stations; Presentation Sets; Gift Sets; Roadways; Models of Yesteryear), & site responds with selected images
- Meetings & California toy shows
- mail order sources
- links – Dean Dierschow (BAMCA) lots of links including many not Matchbox related
- bibliography of die-cast related books with: Author, Title, Publisher, Year. ISBN Number
"cheezy non-frame version" - E-mail:
Matchbox International Collector's Club (M.I.C.A.)
- MICA E-Magazine (pdf) in full color every 12 weeks for £12/$US25 for 12 months. Club members pay 5% commission on postal auction instead of 10%. Go online to by the end of May to register (the old website will remain on the net until then) (MICA Newsletter Vol. 22 No. 6 April/May 2007)
- "After 22 years of producing 6 full colour magazines each club year, with falling memberships and rising production prices [MICA has] decided to cease publishing at the end of the Club year in April 2007. … the Matchbox Club will continue albeit in a digital format via a vastly improved web site. [MICA] will not be competing with the 2 large and very well organized Matchbox Forums … . The new website will have a home page" that will direct Matchbox enthusiasts to:
- Current News that will be updated every month …
- Historical articles of interest to include Scene and Heard and the Definite Code 2 listing of MOY and Dinky
- New page by page updates to the Yesteryear book (Millennium Edition) and to the Dinky Book
- The Postal Auction …
- The Shop that will offer Code 1 and Code 2 Models of Yesteryear and Dinky
- Convention details (its merits and its frequency will be discussed with conventioneers attending the 22nd Convention in April)
- Archive Material …
- Classified and display adverts …
- There will be 2 price points, as yet not finalized. [MICA Newsletter, Volume 22 No. 4 December 2006 / January 2007]
- <>
- founded in 1985 by Kevin McGimpsey and Stewart Orr as the successor of UK Matchbox (with editor & Matchbox aficionado Ray Bush)
- headquartered in the UK
- sponsors annual conventions in the UK, Europe, Australia, & the US [see convention page]
- affiliated with the Chester Toy Museum, a half hour drive from Liverpool or Manchester, England [museum now closed and some of its stock is being sold, information at this link]
- several auctions of rare models
- calendar of events posted in the bulletins.
- new web site
- shop
- e-mail
- aims:
- previews of new models and releases
- review older models from all the ranges
- put members in touch with over 6,000 like-minded collectors across the world
- closely monitor and advise members on model values
- enable members to buy, sell and exchange models
- provide opportunities for members to meet Matchbox staff and to socialize with other members during at least three annual international convention weekends
- benefits:
- back issues of the current year (April to March)
- a selection of previous magazines
- MICA magazine every 8 weeks: 40 page full colour journal [this is the slickest club magazine] featuring all Matchbox ranges including vintage and new releases: 1-75 Miniatures, Ford A Vans, Dinky, Matchbox Originals, Matchbox Collectibles and Ultra. Editors liaise with Matchbox Collectibles for details & photo of future releases. Discontinued, see above 12/27/06.
- MICA membership card which can entitle the member to a discount from model shop retailers.
- special models sold exclusively through the Club such as Special Limited Edition Code 2 and 5 models.
- A free advertisement per magazine – to buy, sell or exchange with fellow members worldwide. Discontinued, see above 12/27/06.
- Membership costs
- UK: £27.00
- Europe: £32.00
- North America: £30.00 (special rate)
- Rest of the World: £36.00
- To join contact:
Maureen Quayle
13A Lower Bridge Street
Chester, CH1 1RS
England - 01244 346297
- FAX: 01244 340437
- UK: £27.00
- M.I.C.A. -- for North America $35
- The North American unit is discontinuing mailing of subscriptions due to increased costs. The subscription point is now England and the costs is £30 (it is not clear if this is a special rate for only current NA subscribers). Subscribers need to contact MICA UK to renew their subscriptions immediately.
- contact: Joe Recchia/Rita Schneider
574 Canewood Cresent
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 5P6
or - P.O. Box 28072
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 6J8
Canada - (519)-885-0529
- FAX: (519) 885-1902
- The North American unit is discontinuing mailing of subscriptions due to increased costs. The subscription point is now England and the costs is £30 (it is not clear if this is a special rate for only current NA subscribers). Subscribers need to contact MICA UK to renew their subscriptions immediately.
- M.I.C.A. -- Australia, New Zealand, & South Pacific
- Tom Mathieson/Elaine Winkworth
- P.O. Box 26 [address updated
Winston Hills
NSW 2153
Australia - (02) 9686 6685
- FAX: (02) 9686 6685
Australian Matchbox News
- It is primarily for Australian Matchbox collectors, but has members from all over the world.
- This club has been going for over 5 years [from 1998]
- it has a monthly newsletter in colour. If you keep up to date with code 2 Superfast models, you will be aware of a number commissioned for the club and also for both the Bendigo and Ballarat Swap Meets.
- secretary: Graham Neale
- <>