Other pages with convention information:
on this page: convention information
- Details added as available – if it is not on this page I do not have the answer, so contact the persons listed for each convention
- I know, some information is out of date. I generally leave the out of date convention information posted until the next year's information is available as the new information is frequently similar and to document the most recent information.
- Matchbox Community Hall
- Leipzip "Modell Hobby Spiel"
- Matchbox-USA
- M.I.C.A. European
- M.I.C.A. UK
- Australian convention
- Auckland diecast models, collectors fair, and swapmeet
- Midwest Matchbox
- Matchbox Toys/Mattel No Hershey Show in 2006. [From the MB Forum e-mail news]
2/26/06 The revitalized Hershey show in will be Labor Day week-end, August 31-September 2 , 2007. [MB USA newsletter, August 2007]
- Mattel Hot Wheels
8/31/98 show discontinued
- Diecast Blast
- toy shows & others' lists
10th Annual Route 66 MCCH International Gathering of Friends Convention
New website for information -
Come meet the Mattel Marketing and Design team. Room trading, racing, auction, dinner, and toy show. Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 22nd, 23rd, 2012, Albuquerque, NM, Marriott, 2101 Louisiana Blvd. Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Show 7/23 10-3) (T85) (I-40 & Louisiana Blvd.). The Mattel Team will be here in person again and we will have stunning Code 1 models. Friday starts with a Meet and Greet, Saturday includes Seminars, a Custom Contest, Dinner, Auction and Mattel Presentation of what is to come The auction benefits Rachael's Courtyard, a very worthy cause. Copy and paste link to view more details about Rachael's Courtyard. Sunday's Toy show and sale will be complimented by a real 1:1 car show and the Mattel Play Area. . "Matchbox®, Hot Wheels®, Corgi®, Dinky®, Johnny Lightning®, Tonka®, Buddy L®’, Farm toys, aircraft, and all other brands and scales of toy vehicles will be represented." Contact Jim Gallegos for more information, E-mail or call (505) 892-8848 (Jim). [Jim Gallegos, From the MB Forum e-mail news] 3/1/06
5/8/12 [most of the following information below is from prior years]
- Where: Albuquerque, New Mexico
- When: July 22-23, 2012
- Time:
Show 10am – 3pm, Grand Ballroom
Vendor Set up: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., 7/19/09
Early bird rights 9:00am $10 per person - Covered Table Rental: (6’ X 30”) $45
- Show Information / Registration forms: available online
- Admission: $3 over 10 yrs; Early Bird Admission: 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (US $10.00)
- Hotel:
Albuquerque Marriott
2101 Louisiana Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Reservations 505-881-6800 or 800-228-9290 - Show Model: TBA
- Dinner model: The 1st 75 paid dinner reservations will receive a special Early Bird Version (1 of 75 piece run) Dinner Model. All others will receive a limited run Dinner Model. Both are Code 1, 100% Factory Produced models and unique to this event. Sunday Toy show admission included.
- Mattel again sponsors this event with 4 unique Code 1 miniature models in very limited quantaties. This event is nearly sold out on both dinner spaces as well as dealer spaces. [e-mail news
- Auction: 7:00-9:00 p.m. following dinner in Pecos Ballroom. Auction Preview: Noon-5:00 p.m.
- Dinner: 5:00-7:00 p.m., Sandia Ball Room, Pre register only. Deadline for pre-paid dinner registration is July 14 [2009]. Call 505-892-8848. limited reservations.
- In-Room Trading: Friday 8:30am until ???; Saturday 10:00am until ???
- Downhill Racing: Main Ballroom throughout the day Sunday
- Registration form
- Schedule
- Mattel Presentation: TBD
Email or
call 505-892-8848 (Jim Gallegos)
Leipzip "Modell Hobby Spiel"
Mattel Germany and the MCCD (Matchbox Collectors Club Germany) 9th Annual official Matchbox Party at the "MODELL HOBBY SPIEL" on the new fairground at Leipzig in Germany October 1-3, 2010. information in English. The fairground is located close to the A14 motorway, and Leipzig International Airport is only one exit away. Please follow directions for "Messe (-gelände)".
Closing date for the reservation of rooms in the hotel NH Messe Leipzig is 31/08/2010 and for the Matchbox Party and stands on the swapmeet is 13/09/2010!
There is a special rate for the Hotel "NH Messe Leipzig" at the fairgrounds, Fuggerstr. 2, 04356 Leipzig (Tel: +49 (0)341 52 51-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 341 52 51-3 00): We were able to set up a brilliant offer with the hotel. It is only € 53,00 per room – doesn’t matter if you share it or not. Free parking is included and breakfast buffet can be chosen at € 16,00 per person. If you need a room at the hotel please book it using the reference "Matchbox Party". If you need a single non-smoker please book near “Mr. Segendorf”, single smoker near Mr. Hornbostel, double smoker near Fam. Schütte and last double non-smoker near Fam. Schleuer – this helps to keep us all on the same level of the hotel.
29th Annual Matchbox Convention,
June 11-13 2010.
Back to the Basics,
In-Room Trading, Convention Dinner and Auction, and Diecast Toy Show. 7/4/10
Charlie Mack & Matchbox USA on line at
- dealer info & regular updates:
- date: Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, June 11-13, 2010
- place: Holiday Inn, 201 Washington St., North Haven, CT - Exit 12 off Interstate 91
- hotel: TBA
- rates: $TBA +12% tax
check-in after TBA; check out is TBA. - Museum open house Friday, June 6, noon-5:00pm. A specially designed Lexus will be given to those attending
- show: Sunday, June 13, 2010, 9:00am to 2:00pm Gen adm $5; children under 12 free; 7am adm $__
- Pre-show set-up Dealer set-up Noon to 5:00pm Saturday, and 7:00am Sunday, non-dealers/collectors $5 admission during dealer set-up.
- dinner model: TBA
- other models: TBA
- dinner: Limited to 100 [2007]. 5:30pm Saturday evening. $TBA/person, children $TBA. Includes door prizes and model.
- show models: TBA
- sales tax registration: Contact Charlie who has license registration forms. There is a one time $50 [2009] fee [information from prior years].
- show table: 8 foot tables: $65 [2008], only 60 available [2006]; contact Charlie Mack for information (860) 349-1655, FAX (860) 349-3256
- In-room trading TBA
- Auction: TBA
- return convention reservations by TBA,
- with the following information:
names of member & guest - to:
62 Saw Mill Rd
Durham, CT 06422
- with the following information:
- road race: TBA
- Directions: TBA
M.I.C.A. 25th UK Convention
"Last time we announced the date and location of the 25th and final Convention: Friday 26th & Saturday 27th March 2010 in Harrogate, Yorkshire. Our event follows a few days after the auctioning of The Horace Dunkley Models of Yesteryear Collection by the Vectis organisation in Stockton-on-Tees; so another good reason to make the trip in 2010. Full details and a booking form will be available with the next E-magazine that is due in early April." [2/4/09 E-mail from MICA] [2004 information remains below until updated]
- MICA convention page
- date: Saturday 4th April 2009
- place: Newport, South Wales (near Cardiff)
- guest of honor: [TBA]
- double ticket £68; [£36 single] includes: Saturday day activities; talks; free models; dinner & evening's auction & programme, reaffles & the Sunday show
- Hotel:
Hilton Hotel, Newport near Cardiff in South Wales
Tel: 00 44 (0) 1225 463 411
FAX: [tbd]
e-mail: or
"This lovely hotel has all the modern amenities expected by conventioneers such as
swimming pool and leisure club, tea making facilities, hairdryer, satellite television
etc. The hotel has a safe car park for which there is a daily charge of £3.00." - rate: [MICA] agreed the following weekend rates – £41 per person based on two sharing a room (£82 per room). This rate includes a full breakfast. So once again great value (£6 per room less than the 2008 Convention) especially if you can make a long weekend of it! The normal rates would vary between £100 and £140 per room. For single occupancy the room rate is £72.
- Please reserve your bedroom (s) by contacting GROUP RESERVATIONS on
00 44 (0) 1225 463 411 quoting “Matchbox Club 24” OR
e-mail: or and quote “MATCHBOX CLUB 24”, by 15 March 2008 - "please download the booking form and mail it or fax it back to The Matchbox Club. PO Box 120, Deeside, Chester CH5 3HE (fax 00 44 1244 539414)". The Convention booking form is available to members when they log into the members' section. Checks / credit cards will be charged on March 1, 2009.
- Credit cards will be charged on [tbd]
- cancellation policy: Cancellation 2 to 31 March – 75% refund; 1 April to 9 April – 30% refund. Thereafter there will be no refund.
- If you require special facilities please ask. If you intend trading from your bedroom, then please ask the receptionist to allocate you a room on the same floor as other traders. Conventioneers will pay for their own rooms at the time of checking out. [prior press release information]
- If you intend exhibiting your Matchbox collection or trading from your room, please denote this on your MICA Convention booking form & MICA will try to keep you on the same floor. [prior press release information]
- Ring MICA if there is a problem or for details
01 244 346297, or
FAX 01 244 340437 - local attractions: [tbd]
- dinner: Saturday – a choice of main courses on the booking form, question on booking form if vegetarian meals or special dietary requirements. [prior press release information]
- convention model: For those who book their places at the 24th Matchbox Convention by 1st October 2008 and who attend the dinner on 12 [sic] April 2009 will be entitled to a FREE dinner model.
- golf tournament: there will be a game of golf on Friday for the annual MICA Golf trophy.
- organizer [TBA]
- stalls Potential stallholders are asked to ring [TBA]. Please quote 'MICA Convention' when booking your table(s). [prior press release information]
- admission charge payable to [TBA], which is independent of MICA.
- in room trading is anticipated starting late Friday afternoon. [prior press release information]
- schedule: There will be an interesting programme on Matchbox on the Saturday afternoon and an evening auction. There will also be ‘leisure time’ slots so that you and your party can enjoy the city centre of Cardiff some 15 miles away. We will hire a private coach [£4.00 per person], if there is demand, leaving the hotel at 11 am and returning at 4.00 pm. Cardiff is now one of the great European cities and at the time of writing one of its most popular tours/exhibitions is Dr Who and Torchwood! The city centre has great shops and plenty of tourist attractions.
- Full details from: MICA UK
13A Lower Bridge Street
Chester, CH1, IRS
M. Quayle <>- 01244 346297
- FAX 01244 340437
M.I.C.A. 11th European Convention
per Kevin McGimpsey e-mail dated 5/28/03 "as you will read in [MICA Newsletter] 19#1 the 11th Euro Convention has been cancelled" 5/29/03
7th Australian Convention
[information from vol. 5 No. 19, February/March 2004 MICA newsletter]
- date: Saturday, March 27, 2004
- venue: Novatel Brighton Beach, Sydney, Australia
- convention ticket: $100/person
- auction/dinner: [no information]
- convention model: [no information]
- convention gift set: [no information]
- swapmeet/in room trading: [no information]
- contact for convention kit: (hotel brochure:, booking form, details)
Elaine Winkworth
MICA Australia
P.O. Box 26
Winston Hills
NSW 2153
Australia - telephone: (02) 8824 8570
- FAX: (02) 8824 8579
Auckland diecast models, collectors fair, & swapmeet
[MICA "new" web site classified ads]
- date:Saturday 6th October 2007, 11.00 am till 3.00 pm
- venue: Akoranga, Y.M.C.A. Hall, Akoranga Drive, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand
- convention ticket: adults $5.00.
- This will be New Zealand's biggest swapmeet-collectors fair for diecast models and old toys etc enq.
- contact: Graeme A Humphrey (64) (9) 480 9117
- email:
Midwest Matchbox Convention
[information from Midwest Diecast Miniatures web site]
for more information on the convention & hotel reservations, visit [Midwest Matchbox] - contact:
Tom Sarlitto
335 E. Geneva Rd., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
(630) 681-2101 - e-mail:
- date: Fri., Sat., & Sun., October 4,5,6, 2002
- place: Carol Stream, Illinois
- hotel:
Carol Stream Holiday Inn
Gary Ave. and North Ave.
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188- rates: $79.00 Standard Room/$99.00 2 Room Suite, per night
- Phone Reservations: 800-800-6509
- You Must Mention Midwest Regional Matchbox Convention
- show: Sunday October 6, 2002, 8:00AM – 2:00PM
- admission:
- tables: $20.00 before $30.00 after 9/1/02 per 8 foot table
- Sponsors: Illinois Matchbox Club, Midwest Diecast Miniatures & Matchbox USA. Other clubs invited to participate.
- Convention Promoters: Mike & Tom Sarlitto, Midwest Die-Cast Miniatures
- in room trading:
- Dinner:
- Convention Schedule of Events: [preliminary]
- Friday October 4th:
- 3pm-9pm – Registration
- 3pm-Whenever – In Room Trading
- Saturday October 5th:
- 8am-11am – Registration
- 8:00am-Whenever – In Room Trading
- 9am-4pm – Silent Auction – winners announced between 5pm and 6pm. 100 plus auction lots will be displayed, hourly door prizes. All convention attendees will receive an auction number at registration.
- 1pm – Day at the Races – Bring your best & fastest Modified & Stock Matchbox & compete for a trophy & prizes. (this event time is tentative)
- 7pm – Matchbox Meeting Reception. guest speakers, question & answer session, Illinois Matchbox Club mini meeting, FREE Matchbox giveaways & door prizes, special desert treats, coffee,tea &cash bar.
- Sunday October 6th:
- 8am-2pm – Sunday Toy Show – vendors setup with an array of diecast models & a special area for Matchbox Clubs
- Friday October 4th:
- Convention Tickets $20.00 before & $25.00 after 9/1/02
Checks and Money Orders ONLY will be Accepted
Please include the name of each attendee, address & telephone number with your payment to:
Midwest Diecast Miniatures
335 E. Geneva Rd.
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 - convention registration:
Matchbox Toys/Mattel Annual Mattel International Matchbox Toy Show
The revitalized Hershey show will be Labor Day week-end, August 31-September 2 , 2007. [MB USA newsletter, August 2007] 8/30/07
The Hershey Toy Show for 2006 is a victim of the corporate-wide budget cuts … There will be No Hershey Show in 2006. [From the MB Forum e-mail news] 2/26/06
"With Hershey still up in the air on a decision, [the Matchbox USA convention] could be the only ease coast convention to attend [in 2006]." [information from Charlie's editorial page in the Matchbox USA Newsletter December, 2005] 1/18/06
"The date is looking at being sometime in September this year, although a location has not been secured." [MICA newsletter February-March 2006] 2/13/06
3/16/05 [John Yanouzas, Matchbox Forum e-mail]
- date: Saturday July 9, 2005, 9:00am-5:00om, & Sunday July 10, 2005, 9:00am-12:00pm
- place:
Hershey Lodge and Convention Center
West Chocolate Avenue & University Drive
Hershey PA 17033-0446
(717) 533-3311 - hotel: none specified
- dinner: none announced
- show: Saturday July 9, 2005, 9:00am-5:00om, & Sunday July 10, 2005, 9:00am-12:00pm
- admission: free
- model: 2 special toy show models for sale dedicated to the 2005 Hershey Toy Show, the Plymouth Cuda in purple with white interior and chrome base and “MATCHBOX TOY SHOW/ July 9th & 10th, 2005/HERSHEY, PA” tampo, and to introduce the comeback of Super Kings a 1970 Oldsmobile 442 in lime green and yellow interior and gray base ”MATCHBOX TOY SHOW/ July 9th & 10th, 2005/HERSHEY, PA” tampo. The dinner model will be a Superfast model, a London Taxi in black, beige interior and chrome base with the Union Jack on the roof. The tampo reads: “MATCHBOX TOY SHOW/ July 9th & 10th, 2005/HERSHEY, PA”. The Jeep Hurricane will be just an additional vehicle for purchase (not a toy show model). [model description updated from MB Forum e-newsletter July-august 2005]
- contact:
Pascale Gervais
Freeman Public Relations
973-470-0400 ext 20
Diecast Blast 2009 New England toy show
A 3-day diecast collectors weekend featuring Matchbox and other die cast on August 21st, 22nd & 23rd 2009. [MB forum e-mail 9/24/08]
- In-room trading Friday & Saturday, August 21 & 22, 2009
- Buffet Dinner, Saturday night, August 22, 2009
- Grand Toy Show on Sunday, August 23, 2009
- Located at Marriott Hotel
Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT
Phone: 1-860-688-7500
call for special room rate. - Sponsor: Interstate Diecast Collectors Group (not affiliated with any other east coast toy show)
- P O Box 274 East Longmeadow
MA 01028-0274 - For more information contact:
- Bruce 8am-6pm EST (860) 573-7358
- Tom 5pm-12pm EST (860) 349-0857
- Email:<>
- P O Box 274 East Longmeadow
- Events – Diecast Charity Auction * In Room Trading * Down Hill Racing * Meet & Greet * Vintage Fire Engine Display * Seminars * More Events are Being finalized Soon!
Toy Shows:
others' lists of shows:
- Matchbox Forum news page [page down]
- Charlie Mac On-line
- Bay Area Matchbox Collectors' meeting & California toy show list
- Mr. Bill's toy show list 3/13/98
- Current Schedule of Toy Fairs and Swap Meets in the UK